As an all-volunteer grassroots organization, our success is contingent upon the involvement of active and engaged citizens. Please consider joining CfPT or making a donation today. You can also join our email list at the top of this page.

Specific upcoming volunteer opportunities will be posted from time to time. In addition, here are some other steps you can take to help advance the cause of improved public transportation in Atlanta and beyond:

Attend a CfPT Board meeting

CfPT board meetings are open to the public and area good way to learn more about the organization and our current activities and priorities. Meetings are generally held the fourth Tuesday of most months at 12 pm, but check the /calendar to confirm.

Advocate for greater awareness and support among public officials

Contact your representatives to talk about transit needs in your area. Consider inviting a public official to speak at an upcoming CfPT meeting.

Help us Table at Festivals and Events

CfPT sponsors a booth at neighborhood festivals and similar events from time to time to raise awareness of local transit issues. We always welcome new volunteers for this important activity. Write for more information.

Pass out postcards to raise awareness

Glossy postcards showing CfPT's World Class Transit Vision and information about local transit advocacy are available. Take them to an event, pass them out on the train or bus, or keep them on your desk at work. Write for more information.

Help with the Newsletter

Write an article or help with layout, printing, and mailing.

Submit material for the website/blog

Send your submissions to

Be a voice for transit in your community

Help dispel myths about transit among the general public. Consider organizing a "Try Transit Day" for your friends, business, church, neighborhood, event, or organization.